Potters Square

All Week
10am - 4pm
1903 Square - at the top of Trafalgar Street

The Heart of Clay Week, Potters Square is our interface between the public and the potters. A place for potters to catch up, share and demonstrate their skills.

A place for the public to get ‘hands-on’ with clay each day and contribute toward the creation of a large-scale public community artwork.

Grab the kids and bring them down to the clay table to get creative!

Potters Market

Sat. 28th
10am to 2pm
Top of Trafalgar Street

Our opening event will feature the Potters Market alongside Potters Square in the main street of Nelson where artisans from near and far will gather to showcase and sell a huge assortment of their fabulous wares.

Please contact us if you would like to have a stall at the market.

Potters Showcases

28th Oct. - 4th Sept.
Across Nelson CBD

Nelson's art galleries proudly present a range of carefully curated exhibitions and retailers within the CBD have come on board to enable us to showcase the ever-growing talent of Aotearoa's clay community.

To find out more about the showcases check out the Gallery Page here...soon.

Live from the Kiln

Kiln Studio - Downstairs 123 Bridge Street

Join Clay Week co-organisers Thom Baker, Jim Squigley and guests on the couch for lively conversations from the depths of the Kiln.

Ngā Kaihanga Uku - with Wi Taepa & Baye Riddell

The Suter Art Gallery

See members of Ngā Kaihanga Uku speak and create on stage.

A Window into a Potters Studio

All Week
Nelson CBD

Windows into the lives of potters will be placed around the city, stop and take a moment to watch it all unfold.


If you'd like to be involved by having your studio featured you can click here

Keep in the loop

We regularly post updates, important changes and related content on our Instagram so follow us to keep up to date!

Arts Council Nelson proudly presents Clay Week in association with Kiln and thank our valued sponsors.

Our Sponsors